Caukie Vietnamese English Dictionary

Download for iOSand Android

My Goal with Caukie is to create a Vietnamese English dictionary that is practical, realistic and diverse. A dictionary that accepts all Vietnamese words in use by anyone. Pre-existing Vietnamese dictionaries (paper or app) are very exclusive, and tend to reject real words used by real people (literally millions of people!!). This poses a huge barrier for people learning Vietnamese to communicate with their friends, neighbours and relatives. So, I guess, you could say that Caukie is a Vietnamese dictionary aimed specifically at people learning Vietnamese, people living in Vietnam or people with Vietnamese family connections.

If you have feedback, email me at, otherwise if you think you can contribute to Caukie, email me at

What's planned?

Following is what I have planned in general for Caukie, and a more granular todo list for my iOS and Android apps. Note that some of these might never get done, and some of these might take years.


Pretty much if I list it here, I haven't started it in any way



Privacy policy

Caukie 2021, Monkey Bridge, Monkey Group LLC, Michael Tran